Sustainable Up-Cycled Fabric Gift Wrap

Sustainable Up-Cycled Fabric Gift Wrap

from $6.00

Inspired by Furoshiki, our fabric gift wrap pays homage to the Japanese gift-wrapping tradition that emerged from necessity in the Edo period. These sustainable alternatives not only reflect a rich history but also offer the giftee the opportunity to reuse them.

Furoshiki (fabric wrapping) is a creative and fluid process with no set rules to follow. Every wrap style and sizing requirement varies a little. Because you are using fabric, it allows you to tie tight knots without tearing or damaging the gift or the fabric wrap!

We encourage you to remind the giftee to reuse the farbic for:

  • Wrapping another gift

  • Dusting things off around the house

  • A nice addition to home decor ( under a mirror or to set toiletries atop on dresser)

  • Anything else they can muster up, just as long as it extends the life of the material

Small 10" x 10":
Medium 13" x 13"13:
Large 21" x 21":
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